The New Sauna Club is here at The Willesden Sports Centre
Donnington Rd, London NW10 3QX. Tel: 07908097202


The Sauna Club was born out of a desire to improve the user experience and promote the basic enjoyment of the facilities at The Willesden Sports Centre.

It’s a great place to relax and chill out after a long working week or simply to destress from the days drama or after a workout! There are two sauna rooms, one is a dry Sauna and the other a wet Steam room area –

Steam rooms are great for improving the health of your skin helps to remove toxins from the body. Steam is great for opening up your pores, cleansing and moisturizing your skin as well as detoxifying and cleansing both inside and outside the body.

We meet every Sunday between 13-17.00 and the encourage a very lively and healthy atmosphere. All are welcome and as well as encouraging user engagement for use of the sauna, you will find support for other sporting areas including yoga, swimming, swimming classes, aerobics, gym workouts, Zumba, pilates, gentle stretching exercises and much more besides.

The sauna club members promote lively discussions on many areas including health & wellbeing, cooking, travel, current affairs, entertainment topics, losing weight, multi faith discussions, politics, cultural affairs, fashion and a whole host of other topics.

If it’s your first time attending The Willesden Sports Centre or you simply need someone to accompany you to begin a class or use the gym facilities please do ask, a member of the group who would be more than welcome to show you around as most have been using the sports centre and facilities for a long time. We are all here to support one another into a healthy and more robust lifestyle and getting back into shape!

Willesden Sports Centre has a lovely café area and sports track as well as a fully equipped gym, swimming pool, dojo, yoga, dance and exercise studio, volleyball, basketball court area.

From time to time the group meet for social activities away from the sports centre for evenings out, lunch, dinner, theatre, coffee afternoons, social chats and networking events.

Improved wellbeing, supportive network when needed, encouragement to join the gym, try a sports or exercise class if it’s your first time. Other benefits of The Sauna Club is that it helps break isolation, provides help and support if you are going through a challenging period in your life as a few of the members have experience in counseling and life skills. Signposts to services which can cut out the ‘red tape’, relieves stress, also offers  meditation and massage sessions.

The Sauna club welcomes all faiths, religions, cultures and backgrounds. Should you be interested to join us please complete your details. We look forward to welcoming you soon. 


1) It counteracts all that sitting you do

We know that “most individuals are dealing with some kind of postural stress,” “stress which tends to manifest in the shoulders and neck.” But we see that desk workers are more susceptible to bad posture working the same position for most of the day. More advanced forms of postural stress show up as pain or weakness in the low back and gluteals caused by prolonged periods of sitting. Here’s more on how sitting can impact your health.Considering the benefits of massage therapy massage can counteract the imbalance caused from sitting as long as you regular massage regime into your schedule. 


Increases and improves circulation helps to relieve pain; an extremely good method of treatment for chronic back pain.

3) It soothes anxiety and depression

“Human touch, in a context that is safe, friendly and professional, can be incredibly therapeutic and relaxing,”. Women diagnosed with breast cancer who received massage therapy three times a week reported being less depressed and less angry, according to a 2005 study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience.

4) It improves sleep

Not only do benefits of massage encourage a restful sleep, it also helps those who can’t otherwise comfortably rest. “Massage promotes relaxation and sleep in those undergoing chemo or radiation therapy,”

5) It boosts immunity

A 2010 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that massage boosts patients’ white blood cell count, which plays a large role in defending the body from disease. Additionally, it also “improves immune function for individuals with HIV,” says de Miranda. (FYI: A daily elixir is also a great way to boost immunity.)

6) It relieves headaches

Next time a headache hits, try booking a last-minute massage. “Massage decreases frequency and severity of tension headaches,” says de Miranda. Research from Granada University in Spain found that a single session of massage therapy immediately effects perceived pain in patients with chronic tension headaches.


Offering : 
20 mins massage session from trained masseur get those tissues, pains eased by our qualified, experienced masseur.
Recommended aromatherapy oils and brands! Feel better soon.

 Reiki energy healing  by qualified reiki healing practitioner and crystal healing, stay thoroughly relaxed and chilled .
£5 per session with crystals.


t: + 44 0203 722 5728 

m: + 44 07908097202

Creative Genies, 2019 ©